The basis of war is spreading. The armed army has no choice but to self-destruct. The modern army carried out a variety of measures and transactions for this, but in the early 20th century, whenever the war began to cause problems in supply and demand, the colonial resources were plundered first. The purpose of this purpose is to smash the night of the Japanese colonial rule. As can be seen from the word (killing) that smashes the night dog (wild dog), it is a command to catch a wild dog in Jose on. Some people call it the extermination of Japan to end the Korean people's ears and regulars, but the purpose was to secure military leather, which suggested that it prevents the emergence of rabies. This is the time when Tokyo, except Jimdo dog, which was listed as a natural monument by Japan in 1938 and became a preserved dog, began to disappear. There is a game made to inspire these native dogs. It's a bit immature, and the ending is divided, but it's a mobile puzzle game ...