Convento (del latín conventus, ‘congregación’) es el establecimiento religioso ocupado por una comunidad compuesta por clérigos regulares, sean hombres o mujeres.[1][2] En el contexto de la religión católica, se denomina así el conjunto formado por el edificio donde viven congregaciones y el conjunto de frailes o monjas de las distintas órdenes mendicantes (franciscanos, dominicos, carmelitas, agustinos) que lo ocupan.[3] Se desarrollaron a partir del siglo xiii, época de consolidación de las ciudades, de las universidades y de las órdenes mendicantes. La Real Academia Española anota que puede usarse como sinónimo de monasterio,[4] y puede asociarse al contexto físico, como edificio, de otros términos relacionados como abadía, cenobio, convento, monasterio, priorato, e incluso clausura/claustro, colegiata e internado religioso.[3] Pero ha de señalarse que no son términos estrictamente sinónimos, ya que, mientras que los miembros de un convento (sus frailes) llevan una vida mixta entre la contemplación y el apostolado activo ( viviendo en el mundo , involucrados en la caridad, la enseñanza y el proselitismo), los habitantes de un monasterio (que no son frailes, sino monjes, estrictamente hablando) profesan una vida puramente contemplativa, haciéndose la distinción entre las órdenes mendicantes que ocupan los conventos, y las órdenes propiamente monásticas. Fruto de esta motivación diferenciada, los monasterios suelen hallarse en entornos apartados y rurales, mientras que los conventos son más propios de un contexto urbano.
Korea Content Promotion Agency is a Content Conflict Adjustment Committee , receiving the user complaints for content, including the game. As a result of investigating the status of complaints received by the committee by August this year, the largest complaint game was revealed to Blizzard.
In addition, the Democratic Party of Democratic Party was queried about the game related complaints received by the Korea Content Promotion Agency (Condor Circuit). The contents dispute adjustment, which was received by August this year, has a total of 155 and 802 more than last year. Among them, the game occupied more than 90% to 90%, and video, knowledge information, and character followed.
Most of the most complaints, 5 games were also released. The first place is a total of 1,545 applications for Blizzard. The main game is overwatch, the reason for the application is the account. The account is suspended for the reason that the users are difficult to convince, and asked Blizzard to respond to Blizzard, but the door is not resolved, so it is convinced that complaints were inserted. In addition, this result was that it has been accepted until August this year, so Diablo 2: Regional application was released in September was not aggregated.
The second place is a craetone that recorded 915 applications, and the main reason is that the account is set. The third place is a cacao game (530), and the 4th place is the 4th place, Nexon (457 cases). .
The part of the Article of the Supreme Neighbor wanted to point out at the National Auditor, even though the conflict adjustment application is increasing, the number of problems that resolve the problem will be reduced. In the past, the proportion of the committee adjustment for conflicts was the average of 1% of the total number of applications, and this year, if this year, the total amount of 0.019% of the total 0.019% It is only.
Lee Sang-consisting, It is gradually, but it is still not able to know when the absurd life will be ended, and the content dispute adjustment will become larger. In order to afford this, the Reorganization of the Content Conflict Adjustment Committee is urgent. In April this year, the Content Conflict Adjustment Committee is reorganized to the Content Conflict Adjustment and Arbitration Committee, I have evaluated the amendment of what to do. I will try to make the bill passed within a quick seal.
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