In an interview with Play Magazine, Lead Designer David Grivel confirmed that Far Cry 6 supports the functions of the DualSense Controller and the Tempest Engine technology of the PS5.
More PS5 functions will be announced soon
The Ubisoft developer mentions only the haptic feedback. The entire team is already looking forward to that the PS5 players can play the new offshoot soon. Through the wide selection of weapons and vehicles the gaming experience should feel great. He also speaks of other PS5 features that should be announced soon.
The 3D sound is also used. The Audio Director of the game shared a few technical information. The competent developers use ambisonics microphone technology, which ensures three-dimensional sounds. Just like other AAA productions, Far Cry 6 was optimized for 7.1, 5.1 and stereo systems.
In the realistic sound, authenticity also plays a role. A comprehensive research process was performed to capture the Caribbean atmosphere. As you know, the new Far Cry plays on the fictitious island of Yara, which was leaned against Cuba. The songs of Latino musicians were also included in the studio to make the soundtrack as authentic as possible.
Two weeks ago, the World Director Ben Hall informed that the open game world will be particularly alive this time. The player should not feel like in previous parts make the events only turn around him.
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Far Cry 6 comes on October 7 this year for PS5, Xbox Series X / S, PS4, Xbox One and PC in the trade.
Other messages to Far Cry 6.
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