You can rarely see Fortnite problems in terms of mechanics during the season. However. Epic Games decided to change the situation a little by releasing the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 Week 6 test, where you need to perform 5 mantles in 5 seconds. While manting itself is a simple small technique, mastering it is completely different. This is how you can make a mantle 5 times in 5 seconds. where to mock 5 times in 5 seconds in Fortnite To complete this task, go to daily mountains . This is a named place, and it also cannot be missed on the map. Nevertheless, as soon as you find yourself in place, go behind the tower with the Daily Bugle sign and find metal staircase that goes to the roof. As soon as you find the staircase, start masked from the lowest railing and continue to move up. Do it quickly enough and you can complete the task. Here is an image that will help you find the stairs we are talking about. In addition, you do not need a specific place to complete this task. ...